Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rosie O'Donnell, Milie Cyrus, et al

I like Rosie O’Donnell, not for her singing, not for her political and social stances, mostly because she seems to be worthy of liking. Rosie lets so much of her self hang out there that it’s impossible not to get the feeling that you really know her.

That being said, I have to admit I’m not a big fan of her singing. I mean it’s nice that she likes music and Broadway and all that – I’m glad she finds enjoyment in it; but, let’s face it, she’s not exactly brimming with musical talent.

Soooo, the first thing I said to my wife when she came out of the box singing with Liza Minelli was “I hope that’s it for the singing.” Unfortunately, it wasn’t. I realize that her singing with a variety of guests was probably there from the beginning in her dreams of getting this show on the air, but sometimes we have to face the fact that we are not infallible and that all ideas should be open to modification. In other words, give us a freakin’ break!

Moving along, I would like to be the first to suggest that next years AMA Show be broadcast on Nickelodeon. Do adults really care who the nation’s fruit loops munching teenie boppers are voting for? And for all the winners who are “cherishing” their awards, get over it – they’re meaningless.

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