Sunday, January 25, 2009

Calleigh Duquesne Denied Feedback

I understand that everyone has to be careful regarding how they operate in the workplace because of sexual harassment issues, but that shouldn’t mean we must develop a callous disregard of the feelings and needs of our coworkers. Take, for example, the predicament of CSI Calleigh Duquesne, a hardworking member of Miami’s CSI team, yet still a woman who would like to land herself a man. Judging from her appearance, getting dressed in the morning is, for her, an anxiety ridden experience. Should I wear this? Should I wear that? Should I reveal a little more breast? Should I cover them up? She’s obviously, always unsure, always insecure, always in a quandary. As obvious as this is to me, it should also be to her coworkers. However, when she showed up for work during the last episode boldly wearing a white shirt and tie, along with a blazer, not one of her coworkers even acknowledged the outfit. Not one “nice outfit,” or one “you look nice, today,” from her male or female comrades. Can’t they see she’s struggling? Don’t they sense her needs? She’s desperate! Seems to me, this girl deserves better.

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