Sunday, July 19, 2009

Internet Adventures #1

Say you’re a travel agent, or, maybe, a snowbird who wants something that will remind him of his winter stomping ground. You go to google and run a search on Florida Posters. What site will be first among the million and a half that google pulls up? Could it be my Florida Posters & Prints page? No, not likely. How about my page dedicated to Miami Posters & Prints? Again, no. Well, maybe, you’ll be directed to my page featuring Vintage Florida Posters, sister page to one presenting Greetings From Florida Posters. Answer: nope and nope.

What you will find atop the list is a site entitled Vintage Florida Posters – Travel, Beach, Seascapes, Travel Tips and Apartments to Avoid. I started this page back in 2001, when I was merely a toddler, using my free ISP provided web space in order to air a grievance against an unscrupulous landlord who had robbed me of a $500 security deposit. I had hoped to add other apartment complexes to the list as visitors emailed me their horror stories, but those stories never came, so, I decided to take advantage of the significant traffic the page was attracting by offering posters. Obviously, it turned out to be a good idea – I have one of those every once in a while.

Anyway, it gives me a good feeling when folks choose to buy their posters through me rather than by going directly to one of those poster super-sites. It’s sort of like them going down to their local mom & pops store instead of the supermarket when they run out of bread.

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